If you seem to be running out of gas more quickly than usual, you can perform a simple leak test of your gas system. Place a good amount of detergent in a spray bottle with some water and combine. With the gas turned on, lightly spray the mixture onto the:…
A gas safety check could save a life
You can perform a simple safety check of your gas system including your gas appliances and gas cylinders at your home or business. Regularly inspect for any signs of corrosion, deterioration or damage. Ensure there are no combustible materials near your gas appliances. Ensure gas cylinders are secured and located…
Portable gas cylinders: maintenance and transportation
Your LPG distributor will maintain and test your connected cylinders. However, you still should be alert to any signs of malfunction, which could include a gas smell or damaged cylinder. If you have any concerns, contact Gas R Us. Portable cylinders Portable recreation LPG cylinders (barbecue, camping) need particular care. These…